The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo film analysis - Kye
This film ends my David Fincher Quest. It's very weird to see Daniel Craig in a non bond film.
This film has a very good opening credits, which sets up the tone of the film perfectly. It plays Trent Reznor's rendition of Immigrant Song, which with Karen O's vocals sounds very twisted and disturbing. The editing in the credits are every snappy, which creates a sense of chaos. The only colour in the sequence is black and there is a weird liquid that makes you sort of sick watching it.
The film mainly uses two different colours. Blue and Yellow. The day is in blue and the night is in yellow, which gives out a big contrast.
One thing I realised is that Fincher uses steady shots in the film that don't move at all. It stays in one place. I really like this as it looks clean and neat.
When The Hurt Locker yidio first came out, I was afraid to see it because I had heard how intense it was and just didn't need the stress. However...after seeing Jeremy Renner in his many hits of 2012, I decided it was time to watch The Hurt Locker. WHAT AN AMAZING MOVIE!! No politics, just a heart wrenching view of what IED soldiers face on a daily basis. I highly popcornflix movies recommend it!!